
How It Works

Last Updated February 2nd, 2023

Show me how to find a joblist a job opportunityfind people to hirecreate an employment profile

How to sign up as a user, get logged on, update your information, or remove your account

Job Listings
Creating, maintaining, and sharing job opportunities with fellow citizens

Employment Profiles
Creating, updating, and sharing your own employment profile; and searching, viewing, and printing profiles for yourself or your fellow citizens

A Bit about Markdown

Markdown is a plain-text way to specify formatting quite similar to that provided by word processors. The original page for the project is a good overview of its capabilities, and the pages at Markdown Guide give in-depth lessons to make the most of this language. The version of Markdown employed here supports many popular extensions, include smart quotes (turning "a quote" into “a quote”), tables, super/subscripts, and more.

Help / Suggestions

This is open-source software developed on Github; feel free to create an issue there, or look up @danieljsummers on No Agenda Social.